Handouts for Workshop for Crossing Streets with No Traffic Control

[These are part of the Outline of O&M Skills and Concepts]

Below is a list of all the skills and concepts needed for crossing streets. In this workshop, we will cover the skills that are underlined and have astericks after them.
As you can see, some of the skills we will cover today are general skills and some are skills that are unique for crossing streets with no traffic control.

General street-crossing skills
  • Recognize street edge
  • Determine width of street / distance of passing cars ***
  • Initial alignment strategies
  • Understand time needed to cross various widths ***
  • Maintain straight line of travel during crossing
  • Recover from veer
  • Determine sources of danger [for streets with no traffic control] ***
  • know how to reduce / avoid risk [for streets with no traffic control] ***
  • Know and use alternative strategies when risk is not acceptable ***
  • Analyze unfamiliar intersections -- determine geometry, traffic control, appropriate crossing technique

    Crossings with no traffic control
  • Recognize situations of uncertainty for gap judgment / risk ***
  • If appropriate, judge gap length with approaching traffic ***
  • Understand pedestrian laws***
  • If appropriate, visually scan / glance for traffic efficiently ***
  • Understand the effect of masking and blocking traffic sounds ***

    Signalized intersections
  • Actuation vs. fixed-time (How actuation works; Common features to recognize actuation)
  • Analyze traffic pattern
  • Determine best time to cross
  • Sources of danger (Reduce / avoid risk)
  • Pedestrian buttons / WALK signals (how to find and use pedestrian buttons
  • Separate (channelized) right-turning lanes

    *** These are the skills and concepts covered in this workshop


    Risks when crossing streets with no traffic control:
  • Vehicles are coming you aren't aware of
  • If you're expecting drivers to yield, there is risk that they won't yield

    Analyze level of risk (how likely is it to happen?)

    Reducing risks:
  • Be sure there is a good line of sight between you and the drivers.
  • Be as visible as possible (bright clothing, make cane or dog harness visible, etc.).
  • Cross at times when there is less traffic (and therefore less likelihood that an undetected vehicle will come just as you start to cross).
  • Work with jurisdiction to get crossing well marked, good lighting at crosswalk, and pedestrian laws and white cane laws publicized and enforced
          (be sure you know the pedestrian and white cane laws in your state or province!).
  • Make the public aware that people are crossing there regularly.
  • Any more ideas for reducing risk, please? Contact me with your ideas.


    At streets with no stop sign or traffic signal (no "traffic control"), O&M students need to be able to:

    1.    recognize situations in which they cannot be certain whether it is clear to cross (see situations of uncertainty for gap judgment).
    2.    analyze risks and make decisions in situations in which they cannot be certain whether it is clear to cross. 3.    consider and implement alternatives if the risk is more than they are willing to accept.

    Please answer the following questions before we start:

    1. Were you able to understand the assigned readings easily?

    2. Based on the readings, what concepts and skills do you now realize your students should have for crossing where there is no traffic control (beyond what they need for crossing any street)?

    3. After you read your assignments, did you feel comfortable and prepared to teach your students to analyze and cross streets / lanes with no traffic control?

    4. What was unclear or missing from the readings, which you hope to understand or learn at the workshop today?

    After the workshop, please answer the questions below and return to me:

    1. What did you learn at the workshop that you hadn't learned from the readings?

    2. Was there anything from the readings that you now realize you misunderstood? If so, what was it?

    3. Is there something you think should be added to the body of knowledge about preparing students to cross where there is no traffic control?

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