photo shows a stick figure with question marks around the head.  It is facing a crosswalk of two lanes -- about 20 feet to the right, cars are going around a roundabout -- it is unclear whether they will continue to circle the roundabout, or approach the crosswalk.
Situations of Uncertainty for Gap Judgment
Situations Where You Cannot Be Certain It Is Clear to Cross

SUMMARY:    Today, you can be confident that it is clear to cross in many situations,
BUT there are many situations where you can never be certain it is clear to cross.

At some places these situations of uncertainty exist
even when it is very quiet or you can see nothing coming.

The only way to recognize these situations is to
observe and analyze each street-crossing situation.

Our students who cross streets must to be able to RECOGNIZE THOSE SITUATIONS.

What is a "situation of uncertainty for gap judgment"?

Situations of uncertainty for gap judgment -- yesterday and today

Verified with research

Do you want to see it for yourself?

How can we recognize if we are in a "situation of uncertainty for gap judgment

Can we rely on guidelines to identify situations of uncertainty for gap judgment?

We don't know all the conditions that can affect the sound:

So what? How does this affect what we Orientation and Mobility Specialists teach?

So, how can we teach our students about crossing with no traffic control?

Wall Emerson, R. & Sauerburger, D (2008). "Detecting approaching vehicles at streets with no traffic control." Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, AFB Press, Volume 102, Number 12, pp. 747-760
This webpage was developed from a poster that was graciously hosted on the SpEdEx website --
my heartfelt appreciation to SpEdEx webmaster Ray Dragon!

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