Friday, November 24, 2006 – Pak Chong, Thailand


We ended the day at a restaurant that we had been told serves vegetarian food, it was on the far, far outskirts of town.  We asked people along the way to show us on the map where we were and where to go.  I took a picture of some "spirit houses" at one of the gas stations [photos].  Spirit houses are, as far as I know, unique to Thailand.  Whenever Thais build anything, they first make a little house for the spirits who live on the land, to give them a home since the building is taking up their space.  The houses are usually up on a post, and are exquisitely ornate and colorful, usually several feet tall.  They keep things like flowers and incense and food there for the spirits to keep them happy, as it would not be good to have a home or store or gas station sitting on land occupied by disgruntled spirits!


Monday, November 27, 2006

Incidently, I had been noticing the spirit houses throughout my trip and wondered if the airport had one and as we got nearer, Sandra pointed them out – the airport has several very large and ornate ones, of course.


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