
Ray Dragon has graciously posted two posters on his web site at SpEdEx.



1. Corner to corner: effective ways to solicit aid by deaf-blind people

This poster was based on a survey reported in more detail in the following article:

o       Sauerburger, Dona and Jones, Suzanne (1997). “Corner to Corner:  How Can Deaf‑Blind People Solicit Aid Effectively?”  RE:view, Heldref Publications, Vol. 29 No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 34-44.


2. Assessing and developing judgment of safety for crossing with no traffic control

This poster has pictures of situations (including a two-lane residential street) where it is not possible to hear the traffic well enough – even when it’s quiet – to know whether there is a gap long enough to cross, as well as pictures of situations (including a 3-lane highway) where the traffic can be heard far enough away when it’s quiet to know that there is a gap long enough to cross.  The poster was developed for presentation at the International Mobility Conference in Norway in 1996:

o       Snook Hill, Mary-Maureen and Sauerburger, Dona (1996).  Teaching Students to Assess Safety for Crossing Streets Which Have No Traffic Control,” in Conference Proceedings International Mobility Conference No. 8, Tambartun National Centre, Melhus.

Concepts and strategies mentioned in the poster, including the TMAD, are explained in more detail in the following articles:

o       Sauerburger, Dona (1999) “Developing Criteria and Judgment of Safety for Crossing Streets with Gaps in Traffic” Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, AFB Press, NY, NY, Vol 93, #7, pp. 447-450.

o       Sauerburger, Dona (1995). "Safety Awareness for Crossing Streets with No Traffic Control," Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, AFB Press, New York, NY, Volume 89, Number 5, pp. 423-431

o       Sauerburger, Dona (1989).  "To cross or not to cross: Objective timing methods of assessing street crossings without traffic controls," RE:view, Heldref Publications, Washington, DC, Fall 1989, pp. 153-161

For more information, see: A Program to Teach Concepts, Skills, and Risk Analysis for Uncontrolled Crossings


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